
How to Clean, Tighten, and Fix a Bike Chain

Your bike chain is one of the most important components of your ride, and keeping it in good shape ensures that you get smooth, comfortable, and efficient rides every time.

So, here’s everything you need to know: how to clean, tighten, fix, remove, lubricate, and even shorten your bike chain. With these tips, your chain will stay in tip-top shape for miles to come. 

Regularly cleaning your bike chain reduces friction and prevents it from wearing out prematurely. To clean your bike chain, you need the following equipment:

  • Chain cleaner or degreaser
  • A brush (old toothbrush or bike-specific brush)
  • Water, bucket, and rags
  • Chain oil/lube

6 Steps to Clean Your Bike Chain

To clean your bike chain, you start by shifting to bike to a low gear, then apply degreaser, use a brush to remove dirt and grime, then rinse and wipe the chain dry. Follow these steps:

  1. Start by shifting to a low gear. This makes the chain easier to access.
  2. Spray or pour chain degreaser onto the chain and let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Use a brush to scrub the links and rear derailleur, removing dirt and grime.
  4. Gently rinse the chain with water. Do not use high-pressure water.
  5. Wipe the chain dry with a rag.
  6. After drying, apply fresh chain lube (see below for how to do that).

2. How to Tighten Your Bike Chain

When your bike chain is loose, it becomes easy for it to slip off or cause poor shifting. Here’s how you tighten a loose chain.

  1. Shift to the smallest chainring. This helps you see the slack in the chain.
  2. Check the chain tension, and if there is too much slack, it needs tightening.
  3. To tighten a bike chain, use the barrel adjuster on the derailleur to fine-tune the tension.
  4. If you ride a single-speed bike, you might need to adjust the position of the rear wheel in the dropouts.

3. How to Fix a Broken Bike Chain

To fix a broken chain, you need to identify the problem first. In most cases, there is a link in the chain that is either damaged or snapped. Here’s how you fix any of these problems on your bike chain:

What You’ll Need

  • Chain tool
  • Spare link or chain pin
  • Pliers (optional)

To fix your bike chain, identify the snapped or broken link in the chain, remove it, install the replacement link, reattach the chain, and test the repair. Follow these steps:

  1. Find the snapped or damaged link.
  2. To remove the damaged or broken link, use a chain tool to push out the damaged pin or use pliers for a quick link.
  3. To install the replacement link, place a new link and connect it with a new pin or quick link.
  4. Reattach the chain and make sure it is properly threaded through the derailleur.
    Spin the pedals to ensure the chain runs smoothly.

4. How to Remove Your Bike Chain

Knowing how to remove a bike chain is an essential skill. Whether you’re cleaning or replacing the chain, you’ll need to remove it at some point. To remove your bike chain, you need to locate the master link, disconnect the chain and remove it.

Then follow these steps:

  1. If your bike has a master chain remove it by hand or using pliers. The master chain is usually made to stand out with a different color.
  2. If your chain has no master chain, use the chain tool to push out a pin, disconnecting the chain.
  3. Once the link is removed, carefully take the chain off. 

5. How to Lubricate Your Bike Chain

Lubricating your chain keeps it running smoothly and protects it from rust. To lubricate a bike chain, you clean it, then apply lubrication and wipe off the excess.  Here’s how to properly lubricate your bike chain.

  1. Make sure the chain is clean before applying lube. Clean, if necessary.
  2. Rotate the pedals backward while applying a few drops of lube to the inside of the chain.
  3. Let the lube sit for a minute, then wipe off the excess with a rag. This keeps dirt from sticking to the chain.

Tips for Lubricating Your Bike Chain

To lubricate your bike chain, use bike-specific chain lubricant. Consider best bike chain for your bike depends on whether you ride in wet and muddy conditions or dry, dusty conditions. 

  • Wet lube is thicker, more durable, and can last for longer in wet environments.
  • Dry lube is lighter and less sticky than wet lube, and it is ideal for dry and dusty conditions.  

If you ride in a range of conditions or don’t want to worry about switching lubes, an all-purpose lube might be a good option.

All-purpose lubes are versatile and work well in a variety of riding environments.

How Often Should You Lubricate Your Bike Chain?

It is advisable to reapply bike chain lube every 100-150 miles or once a week. If you ride more frequently, especially in harsh conditions, you should do it more often.

If you ride less frequently, you can go longer between applications.

6. How to Put Your Chain Back on the Bike

If your chain falls off, you need to know how to put it back on. Here’s how you put a bike chain back on the bike:

  1. Start by shifting to a lower gear. This makes it easier to reattach the chain.
  2. Manually thread the chain over the chainring and rear cassette, rotating the pedals or rear wheel as necessary.
  3. Ensure the chain is properly seated on both the chainring and cassette.
  4. Pedal backward a few times to ensure the chain stays in place.

7. How to Shorten a Bike Chain

A chain that’s too long can cause poor shifting, so it’s important to shorten it if needed. To shorten your bike chain, measure it, remove the extra links, rejoin it, and test the new length to ensure it fits properly.

To shorten your bike chain, you need a chain tool and a new chain pin (if necessary). Follow these steps:

  1. Lay the chain flat and check for slack. It should fit comfortably over the largest chainring and cog without being too tight or too loose.
  2. Use the chain tool to remove the necessary links (usually one or two).
  3. Once shortened, use a new pin or quick link to reattach the chain ends.
  4. Shift through the gears to ensure smooth movement.

About Us 

At Viribus, we are experts in every kind of bike, from traditional bicycles to electric bicycles to tricycles and even fat tire tricycles.


  • Our factory is filled with high-tech machinery like CNC machines and automatic welding systems.
  • Every step of our making process, from picking out materials to the precise engineering and putting things together, follows smart and streamlined methods. This helps us make sure we create high-quality products efficiently.

Check out some of our best-sellers, and if you live in California, New York or Florida, you might want to check out a breakdown of bike safety and helmet laws for your state.

As a self-proclaimed bicycle fanatic, I’m James Carter, and I’ve been riding and racing bikes for over 20 years. Sunshine California is where I was born and raised. Now I live in Boulder, Colorado. I know a lot about designing and fixing bikes, and I’ve written for a few well-known bicycle magazines. I want to use easy language to explain complicated technology so that everyone can enjoy riding a bike.

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