
What is a Fat Tire Tricycle?

If you are looking to get an adult tricycle for yourself or a loved one, now is the perfect time. In 2024, different kinds of electric tricycles have been newly launched, fat tire tricycles being arguably the most notorious of them all.

But does new mean better? With so many options, how do you decide which kind of electric tricycle is best for adults? Well, here’s a hint: it depends on the adult in question. Let’s start by exploring the differences between fat tire tricycles and regular adult tricycles.

What is a Fat Tire Tricycle?

An electric fat tire tricycle is a three-wheeled bike equipped with an electric motor and oversize, wide tires designed to provide a stable and powerful ride across various terrains. Its key advantage is that it combines the benefits of a traditional trike with the enhanced traction and comfort that fat tires provide.

Key Features of an Electric Fat Tire Tricycle

The key feature of a fat tire tricycle is the fat tires. The tires of a fat tire trike range from 3.0 to 5 inches wide, which is much larger than the 1.5-2.0 tires used on standard tricycles. Fat tires provide excellent grip and stability on challenging surfaces like sand, snow, gravel, or mud.

  • A fat tire trike typically offers multiple pedal assist or throttle-powered modes, which make riding much easier and allow you to approach different terrains.
  • A traditional bike has a motor power of about 350-450W, but the motor power of an electric bike usually ranges from 500W to 1000W, making it capable of handling off-road conditions.
  • Depending on terrain and motor use, the range of an electric fat tire trike could vary from 20 to 60+ miles per charge.
  • They come with large rear baskets or racks, suitable for carrying various items, from heavy loads to groceries.

Benefits of an Electric Fat Tire Tricycle

The most important benefit of a fat tire tricycle over a regular tricycle is its all-terrain capability. With a fat tire tricycle, you can tackle almost any surface or path with ease, from snow, sand, and gravel to dirt paths. The larger tires make the trike suitable for urban and rugged outdoor environments.

  • The suspension system on a fat tire tricycle is usually more sophisticated. This makes the trike better at absorbing bumps and vibrations, meaning you get a smooth ride even on uneven terrain.
  • The wide tires and the fat tire bicycle’s inherent stability make it better for riders with mobility issues or balance concerns.
  • Provides a gentle workout, with the motor reducing strain on joints and muscles.
  • An alternative to cars for short commutes or errands, reducing your carbon footprint.

Choosing Between A Fat Tire Tricycle and a Regular Electric Tricycle

A fat tire tricycle is better than a regular tricycle if you are riding on rough or uneven terrain. Bigger tires mean better traction and enhanced stability, making riding on snow, gravel, or other kinds of rough terrain much easier.
However, if you mainly ride on paved roads and urban areas, it may not be worth it to spend the extra bucks on a fat tireed tricycle.
The narrower tires of a standard electric tricycle are designed for smooth paved roads or bike paths.

i. Stability and Balance

A fat-tire tricycle is also superior to a regular tricycle in terms of balance. It is excellent for wet, slippery, or loose surfaces. A three-wheel bike with bigger tires is automatically more balanced than a similar truck with small tires.
A regular electric bike, on the other hand, is stable and reliable on paved roads but less effective on uneven or slick surfaces.

ii. Riding Comfort

Riding a fat tire tricycle is also more comfortable than riding a regular tricycle. The fat tires make it more comfortable on rough terrain, and the superior suspension system ensures a smooth ride, even over bumps and rough patches.
You may feel uncomfortable on uneven or off-road surfaces with a regular tricycle.

iii. Weight and Portability

A fat tire tricycle is heavier and less portable than a regular tricycle. The wide tires and rugged build add to the overall weight, and the larger tire size requires more storage space.
A regular tricycle is typically more compact and easier to store or transport.

iv. Battery Efficiency and Range

A fat tire tricycle uses more battery than a regular tricycle because it creates additional rolling distance, which can reduce the range per charge. They are often equipped with higher-wattage motors to handle tougher terrain.
Regular electric tricycles are more battery efficient as they are designed for smooth roads and put less strain on the motor and battery.

v. Cost

Though you can find some really affordable options, fat tire tricycles are generally more expensive due to their rugged build, wider tires, and often more powerful motor, especially when they include additional features like suspension or higher-capacity batteries.
An electric bike is a comparatively cost-effective choice if you are a casual rider or urban commuter.

Who Should Choose Which?

Electric Fat Tire Tricycle

  • An off-road enthusiast.
  • You frequently encounter snow, sand, or rough terrain.
  • You value stability and traction over long battery life.

Standard Electric Tricycle

  • You are an urban commuter recreational rider.
  • You primarily ride on paved surfaces.
  • You are seeking an affordable, practical, and lightweight option.

Recommended Affordable Options

Viribus SC5 Fat Tire Electric Tricycle

The Vicibus SC electric trike has 20×3” tires and is the perfect solution for all your daily activities, whether your grocery shopping, commuting, or just enjoying a leisurely weekend ride. With a 48V 15th battery and 750W peak motor, you can go up to 38 miles without breaking a sweat. Here are more features of this fat tire tricycle.

Main Features

  • A 750W motor
  • A formidable tri-cell 48V 15TH lithium-ion battery.
  • It reaches a top speed of 20mph.
  • You can go as far as 38 miles per charge.
  • It comes with an LED display screen with map navigation and other key features.
  • It comes 90% pre-assembled.
  • It comes with a parking brake for easy and consistent packing.

Viribus Trig Tricycles

Vicibus’ Trig line is the first line of Vicibus electric tricycles, and it constitutes three models: the Trigo Electric Tricycle, The Trigo Plus, and the latest, the Trig Pro Electric Tricycle.

What sets these Vicibus tricycles on the Trig line apart is that they are specifically designed to meet the riding needs of adult riders, enabling them to cover more distance than before while keeping them comfortable and safe.

Decided Yet?

So, which of these models would you go for? Which is more suitable for the adult person in your life? You cannot go wrong with any of these Trigo trikes.
Remember that every adult rider must be educated on some safety tips when transitioning from bicycles to tricycles. Also, check out some necessary accessories for your new tricycle. Vicibus has got you covered!

As a self-proclaimed bicycle fanatic, I’m James Carter, and I’ve been riding and racing bikes for over 20 years. Sunshine California is where I was born and raised. Now I live in Boulder, Colorado. I know a lot about designing and fixing bikes, and I’ve written for a few well-known bicycle magazines. I want to use easy language to explain complicated technology so that everyone can enjoy riding a bike.

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